What is the workshop?

The workshop is a physical working session or an event that typically spans one or more days, aimed at putting into practice everything learned during the course. It is through practice and exercises that results can be achieved, and the exchange of information is necessary for better understanding.

Under the guidance of an accredited SETV trainer, participants will work individually or in teams during the workshop. Clear work protocols, methods, and techniques will be presented for precise and direct application.

What will you learn?

You will learn and master new protocols with general or local application, dedicated working methods for an object, organ, emotion, or situation; personal therapy, talisman creation, room purification, etc.

Through exercises, subjects such as:

  • Explanation of Hebrew letters and their importance
  • The model of energetic currents
  • The framework of light: Creation and activation
  • The Seals: Explanation and levels of action
  • Additional working protocols and their application methods
  • By addressing participants’ questions, additional clarifications will be provided on unclear or misunderstood topics. In this regard, active and engaged participation from each participant is desired.
  • Attending the workshop and completing the workbook provided during the session are necessary conditions for completing the course and obtaining the diploma.

Workshop Registration Form

Workshop Registration Level 1

Participation in the Level I Free Online Course(Required)
I am over 18 years old.(Required)

We inform you that to participate in the workshop, you must be 18 years old! The workshop is for adults!