
Elohimic entities

As we will see in a more detailed description of the Elohimic entities in the chapter dedicated to them, they do not have a fixed form, as they are beings of pure light, and not least, they are part of the purely spiritual world. Their presence has been made known due to their brilliance and powerful vibrations, sometimes in forms, sounds, colors, or tones. Elohimic entities can adapt their appearance to be suitable for the state of development of the beings they help, in the same way that they adapt their effects on them. This means they can take on dimensions, forms, aspects, and powers that are appropriate, to align with people and the current situation.

The spiritual world, this locked world of divine wisdom, is inaccessible to the knowledge of the ordinary person and cannot be understood through the common methods of human reporting and understanding. When a person wishes to access the spiritual world using the rational mind or emotional intelligence, which often we use inadequately or deficiently, they can become natural barriers in accessing the worlds and spiritual entities. SETV was transmitted precisely so that all those who desire and seek healing, connection with divinity, a better and prosperous life can do so with ease. Through SETV, anyone can access and use these immense forces and energies to create, manifest, and use them in everyday life.

For three years, through daily work under the guidance of the Elohimic entities, this concept gradually took shape. During this period, communication relationships were established, the foundation was formed, operating principles were established, and most importantly, the system’s functionality was tested. Finally, this system was successfully put into practice by those chosen and spiritually gifted, and precisely their contribution and experience made it a viable and practical system.

Transmission Development

Connecting to such entities, which are part of such an elevated world, requires elaborate practices, mastering advanced techniques, and training based on experience. They are not willing to open up to any practitioner who, in his ignorance, believes himself to be spiritually elevated and entitled to such. The one who practices and uses the Elohimic force requires mental hygiene, receptiveness, and all these must be part of the very spiritual nature of the person, for him to be able to connect to the higher worlds. Only in this way do these beings make available to the practitioner the SETV forces of manifestation, transformation, and universal existential powers to be able to repair, heal, and reintegrate the human being into divine creation.

Transmiterea acestui sistem a fost făcută de către entitățile Elohimice creatoare ale acestui univers, prin bunăvoința și dăruirea lor. Cu toate acestea, procesul de primire, sintetizare și concretizare a sistemului, a fost unul de durată, uneori anevoios. Pentru a transmite aceste informații entitățile Elohimice au cerut acelora cărora le-au transmis aceste informații să fie cât mai curați. Pentru asta realizându-se tehnici, proceduri, rugăciuni și posturi de purificare periodică. A fost necesară o aplicare directă a celor primite pentru a înțelege și vedea într-un mod direct modul de lucru și manifestare a informației primite.

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