The Elohim are part of the Creative power; thus, they transform, organize, align actions, aspects, things with the Divine plan, and support the one who seeks and desires to find their true being. Where humans labor lamentably to succeed, they accomplish this task with inconceivable ease, making it possible to find our destiny, and thus, cultivating our abilities, living our true essence, resembling the Creator.

What are the Elohim?

As described above, the Elohim are beings of light, truth, and clarity. They wield the sword of truth to maintain divine order and truth. They are creator entities who have at their disposal an inexhaustible amount of energies, information, and transformative forces, possessing the quality and competence to manifest anything in the physical plane and reality, to produce profound changes at all existential levels and levels of consciousness. Through the SETV system, this immeasurable force is made available to the practitioner to help achieve their objectives, if these are in accordance with the divine, universal will, or nature.

As guardians of order and light, they are endowed with the power of the Divine grace that is creative and life-giving, thus they can remove energetic blockages and repair structures, down to the roots, of anything or any living system in our physical reality. They can easily mold thought patterns, behavioral models, or dependencies that burden and limit the human being. In other words, these entities facilitate advancement on the steps of consciousness and assist in the process of enlightenment.

Divine Light

Through the use of SETV sigils, the Elohim work in the depths of the being or matter upon which it is placed. Thus, their direct intervention occurs, transforming the structure of that thing.

We will refer to the Elohim as they are, androgynous, which is why throughout this text there is no reference to gender. The word Elohim comes from Hebrew, and according to biblical research, the term Elohim seems to have initially come from Canaan: The Promised Land to which the Jews migrated around 1200 BCE. The term was found on the Ugaritic tablets from Mesopotamia.

In the Tanakh[1] or Hebrew Bible, the word Elohim appears 2500 times and is always used in the context of the creator God. For this reason, the term “creator gods” is sometimes found as a translation of the word “Elohim”.

Elohim is the plural form of El, Eloah, Eloha, or Elohae. However, the singular form is rarely used in the Bible, as the plural form is almost always utilized. The words Eloah, Elohim, and El are used in the Bible with the meaning of “spiritual beings.” In Arabic, the prefix “El” means “great, powerful,” and in the basic Semitic form, it probably means “the powerful one.” Some ancient texts say that the Elohim can send angels as messengers and that they were the ones who named the first prophets. Rudolf Steiner explains, from an anthroposophical viewpoint, that there are seven Elohim belonging to the hierarchy of formative spirits, and they are also the creators of the Earth.

The Elohim are powerful angelic beings who emerged directly from divine power and represent a pure and potent form of the principles of divinity that contributed to the creation process from its very beginnings. They can be seen as forces of creation; therefore, they are also known as the creative aspect of God. They represent a pure and potent form of the formative principles of divinity.

Divine Vibration: The Elohim and the Power of Universal Creation

The Elohim use the highest level of consciousness with a very high vibration to transform, shape, and create everything that is necessary at all existential levels.

The greatest power of the Elohim comes from their manifested love for creation, which is why they were the ones who manifested, created, and brought into existence our entire universe, being themselves the force and shaping power of creation. Any creative impulse manifested by Divinity (יהוה) is taken up by the Elohim to be shaped into existence. They transmit any impulse of creation to all other angelic powers and forces that are included in the creation process.

The word Elohim represents one of the names of the creator God. Despite the word’s plural form, it refers to the Divinity with multiple aspects of manifestation, with powers of manifestation and concurrent action in all existential planes, which we can call omnipotence and omniscience.

To glimpse the complexity of the word, we can analyze Psalm 82:1, which is particularly interesting because the word Elohim appears twice in that verse.

God stands in the congregation of God; He judges among the gods.

אֱלֹהִים, נִצָּב בַּעֲדַת-אֵל; בְּקֶרֶב אֱלֹהִים יִשְׁפֹּט

Psalm 82:1

The first occurrence of Elohim must be singular, as the Hebrew grammar uses the word as the subject of a singular verb form (“stands”). The second occurrence of Elohim must be plural, because the preposition before it (“among”) requires multiple entities. You cannot be “among” just one. The verse’s meaning is inevitable: the singular Elohim of Israel presides over an assembly of Elohim.

Some of the tasks and roles of the Elohim in creation include:

  • Manifesting creation according to creative impulses,
  • Maintaining order in creation according to the divine plan,
  • Eliminating disharmony,
  • Protecting and healing creation,
  • Providing power, knowledge, and energy to other beings contributing to the creation plan.

The Elohim are teachers to other beings involved in the creation plan: this means they are teachers to angels and humans. By using sigils, the Elohim work in the depths of the being or matter upon which it is placed. Thus, their direct intervention occurs, altering the structure of that thing.

[1] Tanakh, an acronym derived from the names of the three divisions of the Hebrew Bible: Torah (Instructions or Law, also called Pentateuch), Nevi’im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings).